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Accuracy is everything in translation and the calibre of linguists we work with goes a very long way in ensuring a quality translation.  In addition, we have developed and perfected workflow processes, depending on your exact needs, to reinforce the delivery of a quality translation each and every time.

A suitably selected translator will translate your source text into their native tongue, utilising translation memory software and any reference material, glossaries and style guides, as appropriate, and once complete they will proofread their own work before submission to the Project Manager.  The Project Manager is then responsible for carrying out an internal quality assurance check of the translation.  This check ensures that all of the content is there, everything has been translated that needs to be, all names, numbers and addresses have been rendered correctly and the formatting and layout match that of the source so far as is possible.  The Project Manager will escalate any queries to the translator for resolution.  Once the Project Manager is completely satisfied with the translated file, it is moved onto the next stage of the process, which could be proofreading, client review, typesetting or delivery, for example, depending on the workflow required.

If native-speaking client reviewers are available, we can build a client review stage into the workflow process where in-country reviewers can review and sign-off the translations before we update your translation memories and proceed to the next stage of the project.  Often reviewers will have reference material to share, particular translations in mind that they would like to use for specific terms or personal preferences on how to handle certain phrases.  If this is the case, we can work with your reviewers to put glossaries and/or style guides in place prior to project commencement for the linguists to adhere to for consistency.

We recommend employing the above best-practices wherever possible when embarking on your next translation project to ensure a complete quality translation.